Thread: Battery draw
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Old 12-13-2016, 07:10 PM   #1
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Battery draw

So I have an electrical gremlin that lives inside of my 72 K20. Not sure where or why. For a while I was just disconnecting the negative cable as a quick fix. I work 6 days a week and live as a care taker for my uncle who is dying of cancer. I got tired of popping the hood over and over (the hood latch doesn't pop, have to pry it with a screwdriver) so I installed a battery kill switch and thought that would solve it until I had time to really dive in and investigate. Everything was going good. Started up fine everyday. I had 3 days off to take my uncle to San Francisco for some doctors appointments and the truck was parked the whole time with the kill switch in the off position. When it was time to leave it was dead. Just our luck. I posted some pics of the install. Maybe I did it wrong? I know I really need to find the real problem but I need a bandaid for now. Thanks fellas!
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