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Old 12-14-2016, 08:51 AM   #517
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Re: 85 GMC Sierra "Scarlett"

Countdown to Throwdown! I had a successful day yesterday. Despite day filled with chaos at work my crew wrapped up a job that had been hanging over us for several weeks.
I also had a successful stop at the outlet mall scoring a smoking deal on some Christmas presents.
To celebrate, I spent some quality time with my side chick Scarlett. She was so happy to see me that our time together went smoothly.

I installed the www.73-87.come speaker plates adding velcro to the excess material to fill the gap between the plates and the storage tray. The other side tucks under the door seal. I installed the Kenwood 6x9 speakers in the plates and tightened everything down.

I am content that everything fits as we intended. I need to make a filler piece to go above the speaker plates that will smooth the transition and tare it apart for color matching. Everything except the speaker grills and trim rings will be Napa red.
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"Jake" the 84 to 74 crewcab

"Elwood" the77_Remix

85 GMC Sierra "Scarlett"

"Refining Sierra"

Last edited by N2TRUX; 12-15-2016 at 12:21 PM.
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