Re: Battery draw
First, confirm you have a good battery. Most parts houses will load test it for you.
You replaced the alternator, is it an internal regulator alternator or external regulator? (is there a regulator on the driver's side radiator support?)
If it is external, you need to replace the regulator, it controls over/undercharging of the alternator.
If you still think you have a key-off drain then here goes: With everything turned off, disconnect the negative cable. Clamp the lead for the test light on the battery terminal, touch the light to the cable. (or vice versa) The test light should NOT light up. If there is a drain the light will be on. It may be very dim (small drain) if it is is bright it has a large drain. Remove fuses from the fuse block one at a time & watch the light. When it goes out, the drain is on the circuit you just pulled. If you pull all the fuses & the light is still lit, start disconnecting anything that has power straight from the battery. I'd start with the alternator. Same thing, the light will go out when you disconnect the drain.