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Old 12-16-2016, 12:56 AM   #16
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Re: sprint_9's 72 C10 Project

Quick update, Seems like progress has slowed to a crawl lately, need to get some momentum back. Everything Im working on now I wanted to have done 2 weeks ago and Im still working on it.

Frame is off to the powder coater, its taking longer than I had hoped due to the weather. Cant control the weather so it is what it is.

Ive sorted all my bolts, and documented each set by location or item. Currently working on getting them cleaned up a little before I send them off to avoid additional charges at the plater, should hopefully have that wrapped up this weekend and get them shipped Monday.

Started working on my LS DOD delete, new cam is in but we stopped there for now, Im going to paint the block while its torn down. Plan to work on that this weekend if my paint comes in, if not I have plenty to do otherwise, need to change the valve springs yet, and upgrade the rocker arm trunion bearings.

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