Originally Posted by vikingsandpintos
Oh, and just to make me feel worse.....
I looked on here just now for tips/tricks to do it when I get to the other side, and found a small homemade press setup, a spreader type piece to press the stud thru. THEN I remembered I have one!! I got it a couple of years ago, it is setting in a toolbox... Smh!! I forgot all about it till I saw one like it here, I guess I will try that on the other side when I get to it.
My advice, don't get old and forgetfull! Can't believe I had it there the whole time and didn't even think of it....................
I know it's not funny but I had to smile anyway. I came across the instructions for that homemade tool on my hard drive today. I had saved it off the board. I was going to post it until I read your second post.....
