I guess I shouldn't have said Canadian vins earlier... I editted it...it was more correct to say that style vin identification is more typical for 1970 and 1971 GMC's.
Thats the first I've seen of a v6 in a light duty truck past 69 in this vintage era. Vin says its made in St. Louis from what I can read.
Just goes to prove that GMC's were made in the USA and Canada and not just in Canada as some urban legends say.
TsgtE662.. your listed addy is from St.Louis... they still do GMC's there.
Senior active founding member.
70 3/4 ton GMC Suburban 4x4 250/4 spd.
71 1/2 ton Suburban Chevy 4x4, 350/350
72 Chev 1 ton tow truck 402BB w/Holmes 440 wrecker on propane
2005 FLSTSCI Harley Springer
85 FXSB Harley Lowrider
72 Triumph 650 Bonneville 5spd
"Poor people don't have hobbies" Quote from wife.