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Old 12-19-2016, 01:25 PM   #1
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Turn Signals and Brake Lights


My truck has a peculiar problem regarding the passenger side turn signal. If I activate the right (passenger) turn signal it will deactivate my brake lights until the turn signal is cancelled. The front turn signal will not flash; if I use a test light on connector coming through the radiator support it will flash on and off with the turn signal engaged, but the bulb will not flash. The rear right signal will flash as it should. If I slowly move the turn signal lever and hold it before the switch clicks and locks into place, I can get the right signal to flash without losing my brake lights. I'm guessing the issue is in the turn signal switch because of the funky behavior while partially engaging the turn signal lever. Any ideas where to start looking for problems?

Side note: I can barely switch lanes without the canceling cam shutting my turn signal off. Is there an easy way to adjust the turn signal canceling cam so I can get more than a couple centimeters of steering play before it cancels the blinker?
1972 Chevrolet C10 Stepside
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