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Old 12-21-2016, 10:59 AM   #37
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Re: Rebuilding my 1977 plow truck

I had put the glass in the body before putting the cab back on the frame. That way I could do it on the ground without working on a ladder and working around the engine. I am very glad I did it that way. The new rubber is a hand full to get and keep in place before you install the glass. Then I had to figure out how to put in the windshield and rear window lock strips. I searched on this site and found enough info that I got it handled with just a bit of swearing and fighting. I also want to mention the body mounts. I got new energy suspension poly body mounts(I used the mounts for a 1977). I looked every where for rubber ones but had no luck finding them. I also had to rebuild some of the really rusty washer/spacers for the mounts. I used 1/2 inch pipe and welded them into the washer after blasting all the pieces. I painted everything and greased everything as I was putting it together. I also want to mention the difference in the box mounting from a 77 to a 82. The only problem I ran into was the 2nd bolt hole on the drivers side was in different spot. I drilled the frame to match the box and everything bolted down nicely. I also wanted to say that I used the wiring from the 82 cab. I usually always install a new wiring harness in any project that I am doing but this one looked perfect and used ATO fuses instead of the glass fuses and worn out wiring that was in the 77. The box went on nicely with the help of my hoist. I just used a block of wood and rags to cushion it. It balanced perfectly and I just backed the truck under the box and set it down. I was a little nervous doing it on my own for fear of the box tipping off the hoist but it stayed exactly where I put it. Any questions so far?
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