Originally Posted by rustytruck50
Sounds like a worn roller, letting it jump out of the track or the regulator might have gotten slightly bent or twisted. You might also check to see if the ends of the slide where the roller is located because I have seen the crimped ends get pushed out, letting the roller slide right out the end....just a thought.
One more place to check is the felt run channel that goes lower into the door...sometimes those get pulled out at the bottom and create all kinds of agravation.
I have examined the rollers as best as possible. It appears the front one has a slight bit more slack than the rear one but it's not much. Unfortunately I don't know how to tell if it's the problem.
What throws me off is it worked just fine before I pulled the panel. I tested it several times and it worked perfectly. All I did was pull the panel to put the linkage clip on the handle then reinstalled the panel.