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Old 12-25-2016, 11:04 PM   #1
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Posts: 68
Whats the rundown on swapping a l94

Bought a L94 (6.2) out of a wrecked 2011 escalade.I plan to run a new 4l75e trans. So far I have researched that I need to swap oil pans to a f-body pan (in the process of swapping), headers(open to recommendations, considering sanderston ), and a custom wiring harness ecm (considering pci or spear tech ). My question is what else do I need to make this a good swap. I realize it is not the ideal choice of motors but I have it so at this point it makes the most sense to make it work. Looks like I may need to remove the fuel management system. Any knowledge on this will be highly appreciated.
68 c10- Under construction
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