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Old 12-26-2016, 06:20 PM   #14
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Re: Newbie with a 69 CST/10 long bed

Originally Posted by too much stuff View Post
Your first post made it sound as if the engine had been replaced. If it runs like you say, get it out and get some miles on it and make a decision on what to do next.
The mirrors and trim are some sort of aftermarket parts. The side markers on a CST would have the chrome trim on them, but easy to replace those.
I would say the old master cylinder has no value...
Good luck with your truck.
I was told the engine was replaced with a 307 crate motor which the data plate reflects was the original engine. A mechanic looked at the block # and said it matched year of production of truck. Coincidence maybe? Don't know much about researching matching #'s so maybe a quick tutorial?
Also, which would be correct mirrors for my truck? Current are floppy and need to be replaced. Also I see very few trucks with just the single lower body trim. Is this rare? Or was it originally double trim and the top trim was discarded when it was repainted?
Also someone asked about the antenna.It is loose and needs to be replaced. It's just turned an laid down.
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