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Old 12-27-2016, 07:32 PM   #15
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Re: Need help deciphering this SPID

I got a little done on the truck this weekend. We picked up a 350 out of a 71 c10 that needs a complete rebuild so I stripped it down to the block and got it ready to send off to the machine shop. I think all it needs is a new crank and I'll probably put new pistons in it and put it back mostly stock. The only variation from stock I want to make is covert it from a 3ott to a 700r4 trans to eventually tow a camper trailer so a 350 made more sense for towing power.

We also found a cool spot up in the mountains around Asheville that had about 20-30 c10s and I was able to score a set of buddy buckets for the truck. I'll post some pictures of the other parts I have been saving up for the build tomorrow
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