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Old 12-28-2016, 10:03 AM   #49
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Re: Rebuilding my 1977 plow truck

So I paint the fenders and while I am at it I decided to finish sand and paint the tailgate. I wanted it on the truck and out of the way. So the fenders and the tail gate are hanging on my hoist after being painted. I run a tap through all the mount holes on the tail gate and put the truninons and latches on. I put the tail gate on the truck. Then I bumped the hoist arm and the left fender falls off the hoist and on the floor, taking the 1 inch square tube it was hanging on with it. The tube lands on the fender and dents it and the back bottom fender is bent from where it landed on the floor. So I got to repair some dents and repaint the buckskin part of the fender. I told you there was going to be some pitfalls. Yes I do know the tail gate is chevy but I have a nice GMC trim band to cover it up.
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