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Old 12-30-2016, 08:59 PM   #12
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Re: Trouble with the three-on-tree, now fine

Originally Posted by TwoFiftyShifter View Post
Here is what I am doing to my 3 on the tree this month.

Disconnecting the shift rods and tossing them in the woods. Then removing the shift lever and jamming it into the mud. I don't especially care for a column shifter when it is functioning well and I sure as heck won't be fussing with mine anymore.

Good to see you have yours moving well!
If you haven't disconnected it yet try this. Put the truck in neutral, set the park brake, get out and use a pair vise grips or large channel lock pliers to squeeze the two levers together on the column that the rods hook to. Just squeeze them until there isn't any play between them. Someone showed me this trick years ago and it made my truck shift like new.
I grew up driving a three on the tree and can shift a worn out shifter without hanging them up but this will work. If you do ever hang them up again you may have to repeat the process as you will spread the levers apart.
You an still can remove it I just want someone to try this so others will know if it works or not.

Last edited by garyd1961; 12-30-2016 at 09:05 PM.
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