Originally Posted by TKCR
You inspired me to get a blast cabinet. That, and I was just tired of the manual labor. The saying goes, "Work Smarter-Not Harder".
You will love it. Just make sure to get extra rolls of weather strip, then seal it with a fine line of silicone once its assembled. This vacuum is overkill, but the cheap shop vac I bought burnt up so I went big this time
Originally Posted by lolife99
Ken is the Wamrod strut kit required with your new wheel tubs? Or is it just to change things up a little?
No sir the WAM rods are not required. Im going to be running Slosh filler panels and wanted a cleaner look. We specifically designed the Mild Tubz to be compatible with stock components where possible. The 81-87 battery tray and over flow tank will not fit. Mike is working on a brace to make the 73-80 battery tray work. There are smaller overflow tanks that will tuck under the battery tray. We have to determine what fits best after he gets the design finished.
Originally Posted by rustytruck50
Slick addition, but I'd miss the characteristic spring scrunching noise on the later square bodies :-)
Not after you close the hood a couple of times. It goes up and down so smooth and quiet now.
Originally Posted by aggie91
Changes are looking good on Scarlet. I started my own LST challenge over the holidays too. Hope to see you at LST with my project...
Glad to see you get in the game buddy.