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Old 01-04-2017, 11:06 AM   #1
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1966 6yl Power Steering conversion help

Being that I am about as knowledgeable as a blue butt monkey on the 60-66 trucks (but I'm learning) I really lean on the help and advice of the group!
So with the above being said, I have a 66, 250 6 cyl truck, I am wanting to convert to power steering, so far I am planning of buying the following:
I was going to buy the frame bracket from captainfab, a new PS pump for a 6cyl Camaro.... From there I am not sure what else I need to get? Can someone point me in the right direction?

1965 Olds 442 "Project Oldmobile"
1971 2wd GMC Jimmy..."The Orangutan"
1961 Apache "The Ape"
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