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Old 01-04-2017, 06:29 PM   #1
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Join Date: Jan 2017
Location: Grand Rapids, Michigan
Posts: 20
New guy needs some help

I just picked up a 65 GMC short bed- 350 engine- power glide transmission.

My plans are to lower it this spring with drop spindle and air ride. Drive it this summer, then do more with the truck later.

I have a few question, I need help with on the truck.
I have been told it is a c-10 and a c-20. It has leaf springs in the rear. Coil springs in the front. Checking the vin # it has an I for inline, 01 for wheel base of 115" F for 64-66 cab/6 cylinder and A for under 6,000#Does that make it a c-10? Is there a easy way to check something to tell? Asking because I need to order dropped spindles and front end rebuild parts.

Its going to be a low $ junk yard-do it your self type of build.

With drop spindles and air bags on the front, what size tire-wheels-wheel offset do I need to be able to have the frame sit on the ground. Also clear brake calipers. I am ok with cutting the inner fenders. I will upgrade the fronts to disc brakes.

The rear of the truck I plan on doing a 4 link-pan hard bar with bags. Going to notch the frame. What is a good donor rear end to look for in an upgrade? With the power glide now and maybe a 350 transmission later. What would be a good gear ratio to get? Low HP, but does go on the highway to get to work.

Also on the rear going to weld on aftermarket brackets , do disc brakes, GM metric calipers. What is a good brake master cylinder for that combination?

I have a lot of air ride questions, but will save them for later. Right now trying to round up the junk yard parts. After the snow melts, be ready to start working on the truck.

Thanks Tom

Last edited by Lovett; 01-04-2017 at 06:53 PM. Reason: added something
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