01-06-2017, 11:53 AM
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Join Date: Aug 2012
Location: Clovis, NM
Posts: 2,705
Re: 85 GMC Sierra "Scarlett"
Originally Posted by N2TRUX
I'm still not sure how I want to attch the mesh inside the breather lid. I have a couple of ideas, just not sure how to make it look nice.
In the interim, I moved on to the valve covers. I have a new set on the shelf, so I considered cleaning these and adding them to my swap meet parts bin. It didnt take long to realize the chrome was not going to clean up. It appears that they have been wiped with Scotch-Brite and there was some mild spotting from rust.
Looking inside I saw that they had been pulled off of a used motor and "sorta" cleaned up before installing them on this 305 HO. The left over grunge bothered me, so I decided to clean them up in my blasting cabinet.
Before committing to keep them, I checked the mounting surface with a straight edge and they were all true. Despite the appearance, these were actually a quality set of chrome covers. Committed to reusing them on my build I media blasted all of the internal grunge then hosed them down with brake cleaner.
Prepping chrome for paint is not an easy task. I cleaned the chrome in the blasting cabinet, then hit it with 150#grit to give the primer something to bite on. Once I had the whole surface sanded I came back with Scoth-Brite and brake cleaner to ensure a oil free surface.
After a blew them clean inside and out once more, I laid down a few coats of sandable primer. When this cures, I plan to wet sand and test the adhesion. If it sticks well, I will add a color coat.
I'm so glad to see you redoing those valve covers. I was worried you were going 90s chrome on us! Haha just kidding