Thread: New Member
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Old 01-07-2017, 06:20 PM   #12
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Re: New Member

Well. .. In all good humor and honesty, that part might present a bit of a problem. The trucks we are into are pretty capable and the idea of being towed backward by a 1500 to 2000 lb trailer wouldn't sit well and would also be highly unlikely. The lightest of these trucks are about 3800 lbs, 5000 isn't uncommon and it goes up from there. So a trailer weighing half as much or less probably wouldn't be able to get by. About the worst scenario would be to jackknife on ice. Other than that, while dramatic, that scenario you mentioned would struggle to be believable. My half ton (light chassis) 1993 extended cab weighs 4900 lbs and is rated to tow 8500 lbs. I don't know how much my 3/4 ton (medium duty chassis) weighs, but it is rated to tow 15,000 lbs. As you can see, having the little trailer pass the truck is almost something one would have to Try to do. And even then, probably wouldn't happen. I don't know how you want your character's driving skills to be seen, but they would have to be severely lacking for that to take place under any conditions. That said, an ice storm can cause lots of things to happen, and I don't know what you've found in videos. You might be sorry you asked now, haha, but I for one would be frustrated to read that a character in a half ton truck was pulled around backwards by a little trailer, unless she had driven into a tornado :-)
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