Thread: New Member
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Old 01-07-2017, 07:10 PM   #18
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Re: New Member

That's funny, I got a phone call as I finished my last post. So I took the call and then submitted the post. In the meantime you have gotten to right about the same idea. Those Apaches are beautiful trucks and are going to be quite capable. There are factors you can add if if the truck is somewhat worn out, the steering components are worn, the tires are worn, etc. And the heavier the trailer is, the more possible it is for it to push the truck around. I think you'll at least need wet weather and some winds if that's possible. Maybe she has a big old horse trailer, and she loads the bull up a ramp into the back? Maybe the rest of the trailer is full of other earthly belongings? if the trailer is loaded unevenly (weight to the back, not over the axle) it will be less stable. I'm not trying to jump in and write part of your book, haha. Just throwing around ideas.
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