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Old 01-07-2017, 09:02 PM   #2
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Re: wheel offset advice?

Those 24" wheels/tires could be worth some $$ to somebody. If they are fairly fresh, you may be able to trade them for something more to your liking.

If Miami is anything like Dallas, there are tons of "used" tire/wheel dealers that would love to exchange a 17/18" set for your 24s!

A recent thread on here had a member looking for temporary while/tire set during his build. He was able to get a set of 4 for like 100 bucks on CL. YMMV

67 C10 fleet fuel injected '70 402, 700r4, 3.73 posi
07 335 sport turbo 6sp
94 Trans Am GT LT1 6sp posi -- sold after 22yrs
99 540 sport V8 6sp -- sold
73 240z L24 4sp -- given to friend
68 C10 step 350/350 3.73 open -- sold
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