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Old 01-08-2017, 06:26 PM   #16
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Join Date: Sep 2015
Location: Weiser , Idaho
Posts: 127
Re: New Years Day Heart Attack ...and

Thanks Dan , and thats my outlook , i am not going on a "Jenny Craig" regime , but i am thinking more about what i eat now , so hopefully the artery that was opened up , will stay that way , its funny when i was like 10 , i thought 40 was really really old ... lol

Orrie , i live about 10 miles out on Cove Rd. out near the old Mercury Mine ,(north on 95 , turn just past the old radio station right before getting into Weiser , head east on 10 miles of crappy road) about the 3rd place before the pavement ends , its snowing like crazy right now and there is already well over 2 ft on the ground (closer to 3 ft) , and in the lower (near the road) part of the property when spring runoff hits , it sometimes floods onto the road , so about 70 acres of sagebrush is under water then , but the buildings are 50 ft up on a knoll , , its usually about the same time they announce on the news that the Weiser River tries to crest the Weiser bridge on Hwy95 , and thanks for the offer ...i am trying to get back into the swing of things , i will see how i do when i drive to Ontario , Oregon for my Dr appointment on Tuesday .. , if you saw my arms you would think someone beat me with a baseball bat , i have bruises everywhere from all the needles they stuck in me and from where the Catheter went in my wrist
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