Thats it for today !
Thanks evan , you are lucky out west ! every time i went there my jaw keep on dropping and drooling over so many old cars and trucks that are still very clean !! You guys are lucky, so many to choose from haha !
Yes this one is for me

Yeah i think you are right about this daddyjeep , i dont think thoses classic value truck are THAT much affected by engines swap or color changes ! Tho, Most of them have been Hot rodded ! its getting rare to see them restaured to originals ! or at least keep the way they where when new ! I cant recall last times ive seen an original old truck ( at least on the east coast ! )
If it wasnt from money and budjet, i would built a really cool LS turbo engine and restomod the drivetrain , as it is my bag more then ol carburated engines :P
But i Think crusing in a shiny original old truck with some cool wheels , is very interesting and head turning also

I really like the period correct colors scheme , what you guys think about lime colored with a white top ? any opinions and suggestions are welcome !
I'll probably go with vintique 10'' wide wheels in the back, with the dog dish hubs ! Engine wise, i'll see what i came across in the kijiji classified ( ours craigslist equivalent ) and start from there ! I'll bring my block at the shop, and see if i can salvage my short block ! I know my heads are good, but they are crap for Horspower wise... i'd like to get a nice idle and around 400 Hp... or just as stock as you can get and enjoy the ride , not fix yet lol !