Originally Posted by N2TRUX
Yesterday Chris and I were successful in accomplishing a goal, but not actually working on Scarlett.
My wife had requested I help her organize our attic so she could store our Christmas decorations.
She needed more efficient use of the space so I added some shelving. The area in front of the shelf was exposed so we adding deck floor. Of course we had to sheetc rock to cover the insulation and exposed nails and wiring.
Momma is happy, so I get to be happy too.
That is a project I need to work on. The PO of the house did an area up in the attic over the garage. But there is a lot more useable space. But what I NEED & WANT is an attic lift!! I'm getting to the place where going up & down those attic steps is hard with stuff in your hands. Here's an example and of course there are all type & prices out there.