Just wanted to say Hi...Wanted to say what an awesome site this is!
No really...I've been a Glamisdunes.com member for almost 10 yrs and this place has it together pretty good. Anyway if anyone needs something looked at or picked up I'm here to help. A little about me, I've had early 70,s to present trucks, Blazers and Burbans since the early 80's. Used to wander the wrecking yards building everything I could. Never had to worry about Rust or the dealer being out of parts...Man times have changed! Anyway here is my new to me truck...Soon to be my puller for my enclosed to Glamis dunes.
It's been sitting a year needs:
Carb Clean
New Fuel tank...(Too cheap not to bye new)
I'm sure a lot more when I really strat to dig into it!
Anyway I'm always ready to help!