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Old 01-21-2017, 04:12 AM   #1
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1972 Build thread.

My name is Shon; I have been a long time lurker. I want to tell you that I love this site, the people here are some of the most generous and informative individuals I have ever come across while dabbling in this hobby. I am glad to say that this last summer I purchased a 1972 Jimmy from another forum member. This has been a long road to get here. My first vehicle was a 1974 Blazer that I sold after I graduated high school… Regret is what I have felt for 19 years. Somehow my wife had a moment of weakness and allowed this to enter our home... no going back now!!! I have begun a frame off restoration. I will take any advice I can get as I go along.
I am restoring this back to its original orange color… and that is about all that will match its original state. I plan on doing a 4” lift with 35’s, a Cheyenne trim package… saddle interior and a… 383, th350/205. So here goes!
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Full top blazer or bust....
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