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Old 01-23-2017, 06:29 PM   #11
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Posts: 267
Re: Help with Rear Axle

Also, measure the spring pad locations and look at the shock mounts. It appears to ME that the rear axle in the picture is from a 2WD leaf spring truck based on the shock mount locations.

I hope you didn't pay much for that axle assembly, because you didn't get much.

Why not seal that area with caulk. There is a rubber sealant from the local FLAPS that is a rubber based "spray" can in black (it's NOT Permatex black) that is oil resistant and dries in 10 minutes. Clean the area real well with brake cleaner and goober it on, smear it smooth with your finger. You could also do the same from the indide, but you should remove the carrier first to access the area on the end of the tube.

Good Luck!
1970 GMC K2500
Dis-use is harder on a car than mis-use.
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