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Old 01-26-2017, 10:45 AM   #5
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Re: choke rod length

Thanks for replies guys...

geezer#99 -
thanks for picture, all of the rods I have are shorter than yours...maybe I need to make one the length that yours is and try seems that the rich/lean setting is my trouble...if I remove the rod I have completely, and start truck it starts good and idles good on high/fast idle cam, but once I tap gas to get it off high step to second step, plate closes too much and it won't idle right, kinda choking out...if I have rod connected, it will start, but idle drops and choke plate doesn't open far as it should to keep idle up...

[trying to add video...

hope video link works]...

in video adjusting fast idle made no difference...I feel that the choke rod is keeping choke plate closed too much...

yuccales - thanks for picture...I'm going to make a rod the length of yours and try it...

davepl - [aka the "RTFM" guy...LOL] ... have read it and aware of what it says about bending rod...kinda no help when you have no rod and trying to find out length of one so you can make one...

the pictures show-
[1] when first press gas
[2] when truck starts
[3] when truck is warmed up

looks right, get to picture [3] I have to unhook rod until truck warms up, then connect rod back to keep plate open
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