Originally Posted by 71threequarterton
So I finally got a chance to get under there and have a look. Please excuse all the newbie questions - this is my first time dealing with this.
First off: That whole assembly that I'm pointing to with the blue arrow is loose. I can easily shift it around with my hand.
I also saw a little pin, maybe 16th" in diameter, sticking out of the side of that box. I pushed it in and that's why you don't see it.
There's a little tranny fluid leaking out of there as well. I'm guessing because that bolt circled in red is loose. What happens if I remove that bolt? Does that take the whole assembly off and tranny fluid will start leaking out?
Should I be able to just pull off the end of the speedo cable that I have circled in yellow and just drive it?
Thanks again for the help!
Yes, the converter will be loose. As long as the knurled nuts are tight it will be fine. I don't know what the pin would be. If the transmission isn't over full or it isn't parked with the front of the truck uphill it shouldn't leak much fluid if you remove the bolt and pull the speedometer gear unit out. Just go slow and watch that you don't catch the plastic speedometer gear on the side of the hole and pull it out of the housing, it will drop down inside of the trans. There should be an "O" ring on the bullet shaped speedometer gear unit. I can't remember if there is an "O" ring on the inside where the plastic gear shaft goes through or if the spiral grooves in the shaft just carry the fluid back to the transmission. You can pull it out and check it.
Yes you can disconnect the speedometer cable and drive it.