Originally Posted by davepl
I don't want to paraphrase the manual without having it in hand, but that's the basics of it. You make a rod like an L I think, with just the part in the choke coil. Hold that against the stop and then bend the rod in the right place to get the basic shape, then bend the top L to go into the carb. Adjust the rod length by bending so that it winds up the length advised in the manual.
I just did it a few months back and it was almost perfect. I used a new coil at that time too because my old one looked bad.
I found the choke wound up staying on just a tad longer than I liked so I lengthened the rod a little by bending, and it was spot on. I'd assume you'll need one or two "adjustment" passes on your first couple of cold starts.
thanks will try...just not sure what keeps the choke from staying on at first start...doesn't stay on but a few seconds then the choke plate seems to close back choking motor out