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Old 01-30-2017, 01:39 PM   #239
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Re: FITECH EFI 600 Basic and Command center intall with pics, factory tank

Originally Posted by Lancialonnie View Post
I was all set to order the FCC to get started putting an FITech system together, that way I could run the vent tubing and wiring and have the fuel system ready to go. But then I read about needing to have a vented fuel cap and now I'm not sure what to do. I have an under bed tank with a rollover valve that I am planning on tying the return line to but, I have the boat type fuel cap that threads in (comes with a fork like key to open) and it is not vented. Do they make these in vented caps or would I need to go with a different fuel cap?
i have my tank in the bed also and I have the same style cap, but mine has a vent built into the tank that i ran to the back of the truck, so the tank is vented and I think that is the important part. So i will run a new vent line all the way back to this vent line and tee into it so the FCC is vented. I assume this work.
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