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Old 03-30-2004, 08:08 PM   #1
78' Silverado
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Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Midland,Texas
Posts: 462
******* Insurance Companies!!

Well....after we sent the Insurnace Company a letter demanding more money for the damages cuased by the girl who Rear-end my truck. They refused to pay more. We said we would tke further action by taking them to court. But....they called our bluff. We cant with our Current Money situtation. I do think if we did...we would win the case but not win if we ask for them to pay for the court fees. For a Judge to decided it will cost us 2000. and we may not even win. So...we are gonig to take they orginial offer foor 1100 o fix the truck...and I have saved a lil as well to help fix it to. may not all be fixed as soon as i hope...but it will be with some time. Just kinda pissed right now lol. It really suks to be sleeping and get rear-end to only have there insurance compay offer 1100 on a trukc thats worth 5500. and the fact she ran away suked even more. Along with a Poclic officeer who didnt do his job right didnt help us either. So...were taking the 1100 with much regreat. But our new shop is getting build as we speak...and thats where we'll park the truck from now on. No more will it be parked on the side of the road with a big ass Busseye on it lol. Still debating on weather we wanan do the body work our selfs to save on Labor costs but i dunno yet. But sooner or later yall will be seeing a fixed truck I hope lol. ttyl.

78' Silverado - Blue - (In a Coma)
04' Silverado -Red-

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