Thread: 54 gmc auto
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Old 01-31-2017, 08:21 PM   #8
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Re: 54 gmc auto

Originally Posted by mr48chev View Post
Not real popular then as most of the guys who bought trucks in those days didn't think the would get the job done hauling or towing wise.

Now days I'd say that was a truck that should go to someone who intends to restore it to showroom stock. When they came with an automatic they usually came with all the bells and whistles in the accessory catalog as they were pretty well deluxe trucks that were bought by guys who drove them as most pickups are driven today rather than as a serious working hauler. They were probably a lot more popular as delivery rigs for businesses though.
While mine is NOT a GMC it was a gov't order with no other frilsl but a heater. EVen the chrome (head lights and emblems0 appear to have been painted an Air Force Blue back when.
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