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Old 02-02-2017, 07:38 PM   #20
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Re: 1957 Chevy Suburban 4x4

Originally Posted by gcm View Post
Thanks for all the input guys!

So I have been in contact with the seller of that factory chevy 4x4 which he claims it's a factory 4x4 and not a napco......Which is a big red flag to me because I have read in more then one place that the napco 4x4 option was dealer installed until 56 after that you could get it as a factory install but still was a napco system. So his into seemed fishy but I don't think I have all the information or knowledge on chevy trucks and still learning. So I asked him for the VIN and model number and he texted me this

"Vin for yur truck is71315614373. Model 1315"

The VIN seems wrong or am I off?

He wants a deposit on the teuck but with all the red flags here I am thinking it's a scam. I asked for pictures of the frame and the diffsand the documentation he claims he can only text and can't use his cell phone for pictures as its too old and has no email....hell my wife's 70 year old grandmother has a smart phone emails and is a huge Facebook user....that was the final straw but before I cut off all ties want to make sure I am not crazy right?

Well I mean I am crazy to most other non car guys because who tracks down weird cars and trucks only to spend years tracking down weird bolts and odd places to restore them and enjoys it ......RIGHT? Well thats my favorite part ha ha ha
If he wants to sell it to you he can find someone with a phone that takes pictures and take some current photos. Ask for one with him in the photo so you know they are not someone elses truck. Also find out where he lives and see if you can find someone on this board that can go look at it. If he will not give you photos or where it is located for viewing its a scam. I answered an ad once for a truck in another state, guy was going in the service and needed to sell it, was already in another town but could arrange shipping, etc. I told him my brother lived where he said the truck was, could I get an address to look at it. Never heard from him again.
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