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Old 02-06-2017, 11:06 AM   #810
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Re: 85 GMC Sierra "Scarlett"

Yesterday was a blur and now another weekend is gone. We got a lot done but it still doesn't seem like enough.

Chris took on the challenge of making the primary harness look nice. Its a slow and tedious task, but he is persistent. He cleaned the grunge from all the wires, then repaired a few bare spots and bad splices. All of the repairs were soldered and covered with waterproof heat shrink. He followed this with wraps of 3M tape to help contain it, then used braided harness sleeve to contain everything.

We still have a couple of sub harnesses to build, but this was a big step in moving forward.

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"Jake" the 84 to 74 crewcab

"Elwood" the77_Remix

85 GMC Sierra "Scarlett"

"Refining Sierra"

Last edited by N2TRUX; 02-06-2017 at 11:13 AM.
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