Originally Posted by weim55
Always purchase the absolute best-solid rust free and complete truck you can afford. If you can't afford it, take some time save more $$ and be patient for the right one. Travel states away for the right truck if you have to. Rust is evil. Huge time and $$ in repairs. Missing parts add up to major $$ and time chasing 'em.
Don't compromise on getting what you really want (year, style etc.), most of these trucks were made in large numbers, they are out there. Just keep looking......
I've broken the above rules many times..... ouch!! Learn from my mistakes...
Steve weim55 Colorado
I very much agree with all of this!
I have to admit that I was in a bit too much of a hurry to get a truck.
I had a couple out of state trucks inspected by those services that produce a full report and pictures and that starts to add up fast. Both trucks I was interested in had a lot of rust and were pretty pricey.
I REALLY wanted to get a 4x4 but I ended up rationalizing why I didn't need one:
I already have a 4x4 truck, I haven't gone 4x4'n in a long time so not worth the extra maintenance, the truck I bought is still really cool and has a pretty solid body, I could buy my current truck and own it outright where I would have had to finance the 4x4 I wanted, yada yada yada - I talked myself out of it.
In the end, I really dig the truck I have and it will be a great learning experience for me so if I ever DO get a 4x4 67-72 I should be pretty familiar with how to work on it.
Not to mention, after seeing so many killer lowered SWB trucks on this forum, I'm starting to like those now too. Maybe if I'm lucky I'll end up with a couple more trucks someday
It helps to have a clear idea of what you want and the patience to wait for it.