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Old 02-07-2017, 07:25 AM   #29
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Re: What little mistakes did you make?

Originally Posted by MYOUNG View Post
Bought a rusty truck and figured I would just fix or replace panels as needed. Looking back I would have rather bought a rust free truck with no engine and trans over a rusty truck with a new engine and good trans. Bolting in a motor and trans is 1000% easier then repairing rockers, corners, doors, bed floor and fenders.

Don't make the classic mechanics folly of buying a project truck over one that has no major issues unless you get the project truck for a song and even then just assume your going to spend 2x what ever you figured it would cost to fix its issues.

Lots of previous posts mentioned that having a plan is important and I could not agree more. I would have saved at least 1000$ already if I would have decided what I wanted to do up front.
Makes me think of the phrase "what is your time worth"

Guess it depends on if you want the practice/learning experience as well.

But if you just want a truck I definitely agree it's better to buy a clean cab/box.
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