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Old 02-09-2017, 03:05 AM   #4
El Dorado Jim
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Re: 1974 C10 Dual Tanks, No Fuel Return Line?

Originally Posted by Cadillac Kid View Post
Thank you for getting back to me.

But oh no.. I was afraid someone was going to tell me that. So basically your saying that this truck is just going to be vapor locking constantly? I'm really not looking forward to pluming a fuel return system. Has anyone experienced vapor lock with the dual tanks and no return line? I live in CA and we have corn for gasoline. I've only ever driven old cars and everyone I owned that had no return line vapor locked once it got above 90 degrees.


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yes, I have had a terrible vapor locking problem with the new fuels, you will have to use the vents as return ports,I had to do this, put a fuel pump with a return port, then drill tiny holes in your gas caps to vent them, but to do this you need to change your fuel selector valve to the newer style that is used on the 81-83 trucks, the one you have on your truck will not take the pressure from the return line,you can get the new style motorized valve new at autozone, you will need the 5 space electrical connector plug from a truck (wrecking yard) cant buy this new,make sure you leave enough wire to splice on to, then you need to change the switch on the dash to the (depress fully) one,they have these at autozone also, you will need to file the rectangle hole in the dash, new switch is just a little bigger, and you need to do some rewiring,I can post the link of how to wire it, when I find it .....alot of work , but nice once it is done....

Last edited by El Dorado Jim; 02-09-2017 at 03:26 AM.
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