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Old 02-10-2017, 03:53 PM   #3
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Re: Shiftrod bushings

Well I would describe it as the one that goes on the short shaft that sticks into the bell crank on the column inside the engine compartment. That would be the upper one. And I also need the lower one that goes in the linkage right down by the transmission. They are different dimensions, and I noted that the upper one actually had a metal bush bonded to the ID. So that bush had an ID of 3/8" and the OD of the rubber that fit over it was 5/8" where it sits inside the bell crank. The "length" of the metal sleeve is about 5/16" so I'd assume the bell crank is about 1/4" in thickness.

One of the owners of the transmission shop I use said "They never wear out". When I showed him what came out, he agreed that they were shot, but said he had no idea where to get replacements.

Mark L"68Utility"
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