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Old 02-11-2017, 02:29 AM   #37
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Re: 1972 Build thread.

Originally Posted by Spf79 View Post
My Truetrac differentials and gears showed up today! Hoping I can get my axles together by next weekend... Feels like I am starting to move forward again!

I also received my Brake lines from Inline tube today. You would think that they would have a simple diagram showing where the lines go on the vehicle... This is a 10 line kit, maybe have each one numbered 1-10 & then have a 8-1/2 x 11 sheet of paper showing the frame with each line designated numerically where they go. They obviously know what each piece is since they have to package these kits for shipping. Makes my eye twitch. Some of my old brakes lines were just hammered so I tossed them. Thankfully I took a million pictures. I should have done a better job labeling.
Update... two pairs of lines are coupled together and marked with a part number. From there I can figure out the rest without much trouble. Still odd that they would not mark them all. The brake lines appear to be very high quality, hopefully I do not have any fitment issues like others that I have read about. Overall I am very happy with what I have. I wonder what the difference between Inline tube and Classic tube is. I paid $200 for the stainless kit after shipping. The same kit from Classic was 60 - 80 dollars more after shipping.
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Full top blazer or bust....
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