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Old 02-11-2017, 11:32 AM   #816
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Re: 53 Surburban "Family Truckster"

Originally Posted by RockinKees View Post
Too bad for the extra costs Marc, but now you know it lasts a lifetime!

Back in the old times when I was still at work at big trucks (MB), I did a few axles. We had special tools to set the ring and pignion and set the bearings at the right tension, also colored the theeth of the ring to see if it made the right contact area on the pignon.
Looks like today is all about swapping axles in those big companies.

In short... I respect that you do your own axle, it isn't that easy!
Thanks Kees, Like most projects that I decide to take on, it comes down to cost. I figure it out and maybe buy a tool or two along the way. At the end of it (good/bad) I can say "oh I know how to do that" plus I have the tools incase I or my friends need to do something similar. It was funny one of the guys at Moser said that "everyone liked to work on the front end (engine/drive train) but most people don't want to tackle the back end and it really isn't too bad".

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