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Old 02-12-2017, 12:26 AM   #30
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Re: 30 years in Business-And we're still using these trucks!

Originally Posted by 68panelman View Post
So cool to be running the same era fleet work truck, the pics are awesome. Do you and the crew do your own maintenance on them?, Are they kept warehouse/indoors?, Or the just the Cali weather doing them justice?
We are so lucky out here. The trucks just last.
Most all of them were outside their entire life.
By the end of the 90's most all the rockers were getting bad, rarely cab corners. But they are work trucks, it hardly matters
I was also lucky because we do all of our work in the same town.
Never really had to put a lot of miles on them.
It's a smaller town so I have a couple friends who are mechanics.
They do the maintenance.
Another buddy has a tow truck company, which is more important.
I can't even count how many tows we have had over the years
Here's a couple that lost there life. It usually wasn't because of rust.
Both of these I yanked the drive train for nicer trucks
And used the other good bolt on parts too.
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