If I understand axle "flipping" correctly, you have to cut and re-weld the spring perches from the tube, because you don't flip the axle end to end. The housing stays the same direction, so the perches need to be on the opposite side of tube.
Quite often you do have to notch the frame with a extensive drop, or risk slamming it on frequent occasion.
Just re-calling some "truck magazine" articles from the past. I may be behind the times, though. If so, I can stand corrected.
OK, 74429
'69 C/10 LWBowtie
could be a daily driver, ... some day ...
"He who dies with the most toys, still dies."
OK, 74429
'69 C/10 LWBowtie
could be a daily driver, ... some day ...
"He who dies with the most toys, still dies."