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Old 02-12-2017, 07:50 PM   #12
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Re: Getting Into Gear vs Clutch Slipping

Originally Posted by B. W. View Post
You should only have a little play at the top of the pedal before you feel the pedal begin to depress the clutch. (3/4 to 1" according to service manual) I think you have the clutch adjusted too tight so that it is already pressing against the pressure plate. If it's pushing against the pressure plate with your foot off of the pedal then the clutch will always slip because it is not engaging completely.

You are having to adjust it this tight because you cannot get enough "throw" to depress the fingers on the pressure plate to fully release the clutch & allow for easy shifts ("throw" is how much the release bearing moves against the pressure plate). You don't have enough throw because there is air in the system.

You can have someone press & release the clutch pedal while you look at the release bearing. It should release completely off of the pressure plate fingers. You don't need a lot of clearance, just a very little but you do need clearance for the clutch to engage completely. It can be very difficult to remove all of the air from hydraulic clutch systems. I have fought them for years, I've even made up a few new curse words along the way!
That makes sense. I'm getting good at taking the MC off the firewall. I did bleed the system-no more air bubbles came out of slave. The MC does sit with the wrong end up, the hydraulic fitting side so there could be a sneaky bubble in there.
It does seem like I'm not getting the full throw of the piston.
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