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Old 02-13-2017, 04:12 AM   #1
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Join Date: Dec 2016
Location: Paris France
Posts: 62
Squeaky homework

Hey Folks,

7 days from my trip to LA, can't wait !!

I've decided this morning to have a closer look to my squeaking issue on power steering. I have this problem since I bought the truck (2 months). as I'm going to US soon, if I have some parts to buy, right time !

Symptoms are:

- Squeak with car stopped
- Squeak within end of steering wheel course
- No squeak while driving

What I've found (Pics beside):

- One bolt missing on power steering pump assembly
- One wrong and loose bolt on power steering pump assembly
- Misalignment with the belt (light but real)
- Loose belt
- Small leak on output line
- Feeding hose cracked (will change it but no impact)

For the two first problems, no problem, will ask my 12 yo boy ;-)

But the remaining...

- How to realign pulley ?
- Is there a belt tensionner tool easy to use (Thexton #383 doesn't seem to fit).

For info Truck is a 1972 C20 super camper cheyenne with a BBC402, and I'm lovin it !

Thanks for your help
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