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Old 02-13-2017, 07:28 AM   #37
Ken B
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Location: danbury, ct.
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Re: 30 years in Business-And we're still using these trucks!

Total coolness all the way! Now that is what I mean when someone says their trucks are part of the family... I was born in 68 and I recall seeing these trucks at work... I can recall how thrilling it was to drive by the small local Fire Dept. I'd always get to see the 66 and the 1970 K20 brush trucks always out on display for all to see. I can remember sitting on the snow bank for hours watching the plow guy clearing the church parking lot with his 71 K20 in the mid to late 70's. I just loved watching this guy give it hell, his truck had a 4 speed with glass-paks. He knew I loved watching him at work, when the snow was deep and heavy he would put on a good show, total awesomeness! Its like everyone KNEW these trucks were special, even so long ago....
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