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Old 02-13-2017, 05:33 PM   #42
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Re: 30 years in Business-And we're still using these trucks!

The trucks were always pretty reliable, like all chevys.
But they end up with a lot of work/miles on them.
Daily driven, little stuff always happens.

I remember one time, one of the c30's was having center support problems.
The guys were on there way to one of the shopping centers we take care of. In rush hour traffic. Somehow the driveline fell out of the back of the tranny. Right in the middle of the intersection. They always call when a problem arises. I told them to push it out of the road, but they said the driveline was dragging and the rear of it was still connected so it was binding and the truck wouldn't budge. Plus they were towing a trailer. I ran over to where they were with a chain to hook on to it. By the time I got there a AAA tow truck was pulling it into the shopping center. Clank, clank,-clank, clank with every revolution. The driveline sprung from the pavement and back up to the floorboard. Oh well I guess I need to balance the driveline now. But at least we got A free tow out of the intersection! In our town, one person knows the other, and people are willing to give a lending hand. We didn't know the guy personally, but he sees my trucks and I see his trucks.
He Just did us a favor!

That was kind of the start, of the dump truck upgrade plan.
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