Transmission replacement cst/10 HELP
So....I have read many of the previous posts on replacing and or rebuilding transmissions,most of them are a few years old.
I want to replace my transmission on my truck.I called a few guys locally and it seems like no one does it anymore or wants to do it.I was really hoping to get referred to a good tranny rebuilder....but that didn't happen.
I think what I want is maybe another th 350 that's more heavy duty and with a shift kit to make it more fun to drive.Maybe some of the experience on this forum can guide me to the right decision...
I did some searches online and found a few venders that sell remans and some that sell remans with a shift kit,even some that sell remans with a shift kit and a decent warranty,however, when I try to find reviews for said venders,It seems like there are't alot of happy customers out there,even with the warrantied units.
So if anyone here has positive or negative experiences with online purchases of tranny I 'd like to hear about them.I don't want to roast anyone so if you had less than a positive experience maybe you could pm me.
Now my truck has a 350 with a mild cam in it a 650 carb and has pretty good power.I regeared the rear end a few years back and went to 355.
I actually use my truck as a truck some of the time and that means hauling stuff sometimes and towing stuff sometimes.
Any guidance based on experience is welcomed