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Old 02-14-2017, 06:54 PM   #12
Mike harris
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Join Date: Mar 2016
Location: Bransgore. Dorset. United kingdom
Posts: 61
Arrow Re: Homemade wiring harness?

I made my own, I reused the firewall connector as it was in great shape. Took the whole harness out. Make sure you mark every connector for bulbs and such so you know where your at. I measured each wire from the original and made it just a touch longer (better to have to cut some off later than to add extra on!) Took me about 2 days but only cost me about £30 (or 40 bucks for you guys) in wire but at least I knew it was high quality instead of guessing what the supplier will send you in a kit) Keep each wire the same colour. There is plenty of writing diagrams about (I'm sure there's one on this forum tools) which I used for helping me order which gauge wire I needed. Try to keep people out the work area to stop distractions, Use plenty of earth's where you can, keep it one wire at a time, and dont forget the fuses and relays are your friend! Also try to keep as much away from the block, exhausts, radiator best you can which will stop the heat cooking the wires over the years and keep it away from sharp edges where is could rub through and short out! Good luck bud!
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