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Old 02-14-2017, 10:20 PM   #23
BR3W CITY's Avatar
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Re: HP Tuners -- Unlimited ECMs possible single VIN? Megasquirt instead?

Alright I got tired of reading the argument so I talked to Bill @ Hp Tuners, and since its his company, I trust his answer:

First, the VIN itself is not the important part of the factor. You can have the same vin on multiple ECM's, that alone doesn't matter. For all intensive purposes, you can have the VIN be 16x 1's and HPT doesn't really care.

Each ECM, no matter year or model, has a number that you can't see. When you scan the ECM and it performs a CheckSUM (you can see this on the read), it is basically validating the internal hard-coded programming of your ECM and any other major components (TCM, LAN modules). That number cannot be seen, and cannot be modified or changed in any way. This number is what is actually being "registered" when credits are purchased.

You will not be able to flash 2 ECM's with the same tune, even if you could have the VIN changed by another means. So you cannot flash 2 ECM's with a TECHII/III, then flash them both with the same HPT license.

I'll just tell you guys FWIW, no one gets by on HPT. For all intensive purposes, 1 ecm = 1 license, no way around it.
'66 Short Step / SD Tuned / Big Cam LQ4 / Backhalfed /Built 4l80e / #REBUILDEVERYTHING

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